Use our services and get up to 20% exemption from government taxes on your mines!

According to Note (5) of Article (14) of the Mining Law, the exemption of up to 20% of government rights includes the case of mining operators who, in addition to optimal exploitation and processing and protection of mineral reserves, put the promotion of productivity and research and development, exploration and preservation of the environment in their work instructions.

Now, what is our role in reaching this exemption?

Kani Fan Avran Shahvar company is one of the leaders in geometallurgy in Iran by having up-to-date laboratories and cooperating with the laboratories of the Science and Technology Park of Semnan Province and Shahrood University of Technology. We are pleased to announce that this group is ready to cooperate and serve the owners and operators of mines by using the knowledge of experts with their experience in optimization of mineral processing processes, use of mineral reserves, and research and development. The goal of this cooperation is to promote productivity and optimal exploitation along with the protection of mineral reserves and the preservation of the environment. I should tell that all related legal and administrative procedures are done under the supervision of the documents of this collection after the technical results to obtain exemption from government rights.

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