The focus of this company is the Geometallurgy in the design of mines and mineral processing factories and extractive metallurgy. Geometallurgy is a new branch of earth resource engineering. This major is a combination of geological sciences, process geology, mining engineering, process mineralogy, mineral processing and extractive metallurgy. Until now, these fields were operating like separate islands. Geologists or prospectors who defined a mineral reserve had no knowledge of the processing processes, and vice versa, metallurgists had no knowledge of the upstream processes.
The separation of these branches in many cases has caused the plant design and the entire mining cycle with low productivity. With time, this problem has become more complicated and the lower quality of extracted mineral reserves has become more visible, and it shows the necessity of using a new tool for designing and planning the extraction, processing and production of the final product from mineral reserves.
(Learn more about geometallurgy)
Process and design development:
Engineering services in the field of process in this company are performed in two parts: process development and process design. In the field of process design, this company and its members, having brilliant records in the field of developing complex and multi-product ore processing methods, and relying on their own private laboratories and contractors, are able to provide process development services for reserves that, due to various reasons such as the complexity of the ore, Its processing is not possible, or they operate under bad productivity conditions or low economic efficiency. Also, in the engineering unit of this company, process design and production of engineering documents are carried out at conceptual, basic and advanced engineering levels and in various engineering fields including process, structure, mechanics, electricity, instrumentation, piping and pumping in accordance with the latest standards and regulations.
(Learn more about the background of company in process development)
Process optimization
Unfortunately, there are many factories and processes for the processing of minerals and extractive metallurgy in the country as well as in other parts of the world, whose design and construction are not designed in accordance with the reserves to be processed, and in other words, they are mainly implemented by contractors and by copying other lines. In this situation and also in a situation where the mineral has many changes in different extraction zones, the productivity of the process is reduced and it is necessary to optimize it in order to increase the productivity, reduce the consumption of raw materials, increase the recovery and reduce the cost of production according to the characteristics of the mineral.
The basis for diagnosing the problems of mineral processing lines in this company is the use of process mineralogy knowledge and the use of modern measurement tools such as electron microscopes. Also, after diagnosing plant design problems with the help of process mineralogy, process operation optimization is done by relying on the laboratory equipment of this company. It should be noted that the initial consultation, line sampling, and checking the possibility of increasing the productivity of the line are currently done for free in this company. (Learn more about process mineralogy